Reimagining public engagement in a changing world: Keynote and Panel Discussion
The Public Engagement in Health Policy Project team invites you to participate in the upcoming event, Reimagining Public Engagement in a Changing World.
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Jamila Michener (Cornell University) who will present a keynote entitled: Transformative Public Engagement: Pitfalls, Possibilities, and Promise. This will be followed by a panel, Rethinking Public Engagement: Representation, Inclusion, and Legitimacy, with presentations by Alpha Abebe and Rhonda C. George (McMaster University), Joanna Massie (McMaster University), and Genevieve Fuji Johnson (Simon Fraser University).
Date: September 22, 2022.
Time: 9am - 12:15pm
Location: Hybrid - in-person at McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton or online via Zoom.
Over the past year, our project has sought to understand Canada’s history of engaging the public in health policy, identifying gaps and opportunities for more transformative engagement. Our research has highlighted the ways in which forms of engagement can enable or disadvantage different groups and communities. This event seeks to both promote new approaches and refine existing approaches to address longstanding issues with public engagement in health policy. How can policymakers engage citizens in ways that are equitable, effective, and empowering? Which individuals or groups are not well-served by the status quo in health policy engagement? Can we co-create practical resources to help groups navigate public engagement more effectively?
We will provide N95 (or equivalent quality) masks, and strongly encourage all participants to wear masks in recognition that some attendees may be immunocompromised, or care for others who are immunocompromised. An email will be sent in September outlining the latest university and workshop policy.
Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments will be provided, which includes vegetarian, gluten-free and halal options. If you have specific dietary requirements, please contact us at If you require financial supports to participate, please briefly describe your needs when you register, and a team member will follow up.
In the afternoon, we well be hosting an invite-only workshop to share reflections on and help develop resources for engagement in health policy. If you are interested in finding out more, please email